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Taking blood pressue
Doctor Using Digital Tablet

Galiz Research is a multi-specialty, independent research center dedicated to giving excellent care to the community of South Florida

New Research

Clinical Trials gain access to new research treatments before they're available to the public.




We assist the health industry in the efforts to develop medications that are safer, easier to administer and more effective.

Call us for a consultation TODAY! 

Providing Needed Options for Loved Ones

We Work with Your Physicians

Protecting the safety of people who take part in clinical trials is a high priority for clinical researchers. Each trial has scientific oversight, and trial facilitators work with your physicians to ensure your optimum safety.

Who Can Participate?

Participation varies for each Clinical Trial. Galiz Research has a concentration in trials that deal with schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s Disease, Bipolar Disorder, other mental disorders, and various neurological diseases,

as well as General Medicine.


If you're in a clinical trial and don't get the new strategy being tested, you may receive the current standard care for your condition. This treatment might be as good as, or better than, the new approach. You also will have the support of a team of health care providers, who will monitor your health closely.


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